Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Getting to know each other . . .

I just have to say that I had a great time visiting last week.  While visiting I realized that our family has grown and that I don't know everyone as well as I would like, so I think it would be fun to get to know each other better!  I plan to pose questions for everyone to answer at least one per week, so we can get to know each other a little better.  

So, here we go . . . 

If you could travel to anywhere on the planet where would you go and why?


Ma Turner said...

I would go on a cruise. I have always wanted to do that. It would be nice if the cruise visited tropical islands. :)

Liz said...

That does sound nice! Did you know that you have to have a passport to go on a cruise now? Crazy!

Ma Turner said...

I have always tried to keep a current passport, not sure about Rick though. I had mine updated for the Hong Kong trip.

Rachel Elaine said...

I would visit Scandinavia. . . I am intreagued by many aspects of their lifestyle. So much more natural in many ways. . . I know all places have their drawbacks, but their agriculture and medical fields are something we could learn from.

Rachel Elaine said...

oh, now James' post makes so much more sense. I was thinking it seemed a bit random.